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由民政及青年事務局和青年發展委員會推出的「青年內地交流資助計劃」資助、鄧慕蓮博士,MH捐款,和愛丁堡公爵國際獎中國區機構協助,AYP主辦的金章級團體生活科「發現上海 - 古今的穿越」交流團於8月19日圓滿結束!20位金章參加者在六日五夜的交流團中,透過不同角度考察上海,認識古今上海的發展和歷史。期間,獎勵計劃理事會副主席彭穎生先生,MH更親臨上海支持參加者。


Subsidised by Funding Scheme for Youth Exchange in the Mainland, which is promoted by the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau and Youth Development Commission, funded by Dr. Irene Tang, MH, and assisted by the Duke of Edinburgh's International Award - China, organised by AYP, 'Gold Level Residential Project Discover Shanghai’ was held successfully on 19 August. During the exchange programme, Mr. Victor Pang Wing Seng, MH, the Vice Chairman of AYP Award Council, also came to Shanghai to support 20 Gold Award participants.

'Gold Level Discovery Shanghai Residential Project Exchange Programme' offered opportunities for participants to explore the development of Shanghai. Also, they visited The Bund and Zhujiajiao Water Town, experienced sailing, visited corporations and charity groups, and interacted with young people from mainland China throughout the 6-day-5-night trip. We believe all participants benefited a lot and look forward to the sharing section for the programme.


由灣仔區青年發展及公民教育委員會、灣仔青年TEEN地及灣仔民政事務處合辦的「灣仔青年定向比賽•今昔猜程尋」於8月27日順利舉行,作為「青年節@HK」的夥伴活動,AYP亦有動員支持。大會邀請到民政及青年事務局副局長梁宏正先生BBS,JP、灣仔民政事務專員張雁伶女士、灣仔區青年發展及公民教育委員會主席兼青年發展委員會青年節行動小組召集人郭永亮先生,JP 和一眾嘉賓到場主持起步和頒獎儀式。當日,嘉賓帶領超過170位參加者進行伸展運動,亦與青年人進行交流。


Organised by the District Youth Development and Civic Education Committee (Wan Chai District), Wan Chai TEEN Horizons and Home Affairs Department (Wan Chai District), the "Explore Wan Chai.Youth Orienteering Competition” was held successfully on 27 August. As a Partner Event of youthfest@HK, AYP also supported the event and were honoured to have Mr. Clarence LEUNG Wang Ching, BBS, JP, Under Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs; Ms. Fanny CHEUNG Ngan Ling, JP, District Officer of Wan Chai District; Mr. Andy KWOK Wing Leung, JP, Chairman of the District Youth Development & Civic Education Committee (Wan Chai District) and Convenor of the Youth Development Commission Action Group on Youth Festival, and other guests to officiate the Kick-off and Prize Presentation ceremony. They also had a joyful communication with over 170 participants.

"Explore Wan Chai.Youth Orienteering Competition” aims to enhance youth’s knowledge about the development of Wan Chai, team spirit and sense of community throughout 15 checkpoints in Wai Chai District. It was great to see participants giving their all and showcased the spirit of teamwork within the 2-hour competition. AYP once again congratulates all winners and hope to see you soon!

Project ONE to Infinity 2022-2023圓滿結束!

由 100 Women In Finance 贊助,香港青年獎勵計劃主辦的Project ONE to Infinity於8月6日圓滿結束。Project ONE to Infinity參加者體驗了由專業導師教授一系列的職場訓練,包括不同行業的資訊講座及工作坊,參加者亦參與職場考察活動、影子體驗及訓練營,從而發掘個人興趣及潛力,啟發職業志向和裝備自己,為日後的職業路向探索更多可能性,達至理想人生。

Project ONE to Infinity閉幕禮在兩天一夜的訓練營中舉行,大會邀請了獎勵計劃理事會委員及宣傳及推廣委員會主席楊燕芝女士,以及贊助機構100 Women in Finance香港效益總監王茵媚女士見證參加者的成果,其後亦有參加者分享個人感受和得著。AYP樂見參加者的成長,盼望他們能繼續發掘個人潛能。

Funded by the 100 Women In Finance and organised by AYP, Project ONE to Infinity 2022-2023 was held successfully on 6 August. Project ONE to Infinity participants experienced workplace training by professional tutors, and career workshops and talks for providing career information about different industries. Participants also took part in company visits, job shadowing and training camp to explore their personal interests and potential. We hope they can be inspired by the activities and equipped themselves for the possibilities on their future career paths, also achieving their ideal lives.

The Closing Ceremony was held in the overnight training camp. Ms. Jennifer Yeung Yin Chi, Our Award Council Member and the Chairman of the Publicity and Promotion Committee, and Ms. Lena Wong, Director of Impact of the 100 Women in Finance, were invited to witness the achievement of participants. Also, the participants shared what they learned in the Closing Ceremony. We hope they can continue to explore their personal potential.





Hong Kong Volunteer Award (HKV-Award), a territory-wide scheme co-organised by the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau and the Agency for Volunteer Service (AVS) is officially launched. The Award echoes the direction of government policy in motivating more people, particularly the youth, to participate in volunteering to build an inclusive society.

HKV-Award includes a number of awards of individuals, corporations and organisations, while the Caring Estate and Caring School awards are also set up. This year, seven more new awards will be added, which aims to inspire more people, particularly young people, people over 50, and first-time volunteers, to participate in volunteering and to recognise their contributions and achievements in volunteer works.

Welcome your entries and participation! Please visit the following website for more details.


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