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AYP新春聯歡酒會2024於二月二十二日假城景國際酒店順利舉行!我們非常高興邀請到民政及青年事務局青年專員陳瑞緯先生,JP、警務處處長蕭澤頤先生,PDSM, PMSM以及立法會議員及青年發展委員會副主席梁毓偉先生,JP抽空蒞臨酒會,與AYP理事會主席郭永亮先生,JP、副主席彭穎生先生,MH及義務司庫馬清揚博士與超過160位AYP支持者共聚一堂,分享新一年的喜悅。


衷心感謝樂智協會歐陽璟軒先生提供畫作,今年的酒會特別以其作品作為主題,於場內不同地方佈置色彩繽紛的花朵作裝飾,為酒會添上繽紛色彩;亦要感謝佛教何南金中學醒獅隊的精彩表演,為AYP喜迎新春。本會再次多謝榮休理事會委員林志江校長、李曠怡先生、彭朗聰先生以及陸海女士, BBS, MH, JP多年來盡心盡力,協助青年人投入社區,發展所長。另歡迎一眾理事會新成員加入,共同為青年發展努力。來年AYP會繼續與不同機構及單位合作,鼓勵青年人突破自我,達至全人發展。


AYP Spring Reception 2024 was held at The Cityview on 22 February. We are glad to have Mr. Eric CHAN Siu Wai, JP, Commissioner for Youth, Home and Youth Affairs Bureau, Mr. SIU Chak Yee, PDSM, PMSM, Commissioner of Police, and The Hon. Kenneth LEUNG Yuk Wai, JP, Legislative Council Member and Vice-Chairman of Youth Development Commission, to attend our Spring Reception. Mr. Andy KWOK Wing Leung, JP, Chairman of Award Council, Mr. Victor PANG Wing Seng, MH, Vice-Chairman of Award Council and Dr. Philip MA Ching Yeung, Honorary Treasurer of Award Council also shared the joy of Chinese New Year with over 160 guests and AYP supporters.


Special thanks to Mr. Spedding Herbert Kinghin from Lok Chi Association for providing the artwork for the beautiful painting on the thank you card and the decorations of the Hall, and also, we are glad to have Lion Dance Team from Buddhist Ho Nam Kam College for celebrating the New Year with us. Again, we would like to show our gratefulness to Mr. LAM Chi Kong, Mr. Jason Joseph LEE Kwong Yee, Mr. Christopher PANG Ronchung and Ms. Helen LU Hai, BBS, MH, JP for supporting us for many years. And to all the new council members, welcome! AYP can’t wait to work with all of you, providing more opportunities and activities to youths. We will continue to collaborate with the government and different organisations in 2024, inspiring young people to unleash their potential.




AYP將於3月至4月,於香港青年獎勵計劃賽馬會野外鍛鍊中心(西貢)為13 - 29歲青年人舉辦新一期師友同行計劃。是次活動包括:平板賽艇、露營、和海上歷奇體驗。參加者必須出席所有活動,完成課程後將獲得平板賽艇一星證書。活動人數為八人,且費用全免。參加者可到以下連結了解詳情。如有任何查詢,請以Whatsapp聯絡負責人 ( 黃小姐:53094475 )。歡迎各學校及機構報名參與。

立即報名!Register Now!

New batch of Mentorship programme is now recruiting! The programme will be hold from March to April, at HKAYP Jockey Club Expeditions Centre. Participants must attend all activities and will receive Board Rowing Course Star 1 certificate upon completion of the course. The number of participants for this event is eight, and the cost is fully waived. For more details, please refer to the link above. And for any question, please contact our staff (Miss Wong: 5309 4475).

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No. 301 - 309, 3/F, Lai Kwai House, Lai Kok Estate, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon
電話 Tel: +852 2157 8610
電郵 Email: award@ayp.org.hk

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