[AYP新春聯歡酒會2025順利舉行] |
AYP新春聯歡酒會2025於2月7日假城景國際圓滿舉行!我們很高興邀請到民政及青年事務局局長麥美娟女士,SBS, JP 擔任主禮嘉賓,連同獎勵計劃理事會主席郭永亮先生,JP、副主席彭穎生先生,MH、義務司庫馬清揚博士,BBS,灣仔民政事務專員張雁伶女士,JP、深水埗民政事務專員黃昕然先生,JP、大埔民政事務助理專員郭鎮齊先生及約150位AYP各界支持者一同慶賀新春! 今年酒會的佈置均以桃花為主題,不但代表著青年人的青春活力,也象徵希望和幸福的到來。我們更要感謝聖公會曾肇添中學舞蹈學會的同學為大家帶來精彩的扇舞表演,讓賓客們猶如置身桃花源一樣。來年AYP會繼續與不同機構和單位保持緊密合作,為推動青年發展而努力! |
AYP Spring Reception 2025 was held at The Cityview on 7 February. We were glad to have Ms. Alice Mak Mei Kuen, SBS,JP, Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs, to attend our Spring Reception as the Guest of Honour. Mr. Andy Kwok Wing Leung, JP, Chairman of Award Council, Mr. Victor Pang Wing Seng, MH, Vice-Chairman of Award Council and Dr. Philip Ma Ching Yeung, BBS, Honorary Treasurer of Award Council, Ms. Fanny Cheung Ngan Ling, JP, District Officer (Wan Chai), Mr. Paul Wong Yan Yin, JP, District Officer (Sham Shui Po), and Mr. Johnny Kwok Chun Chai, Assistant District Officer (Tai Po), also shared the joy of Chinese New Year with around 150 guests and AYP supporters. This year, the theme of the Spring Reception was peach blossoms, representing the energy of young people, and the arrival of hope and happiness. We invited students from S.K.H. Tsang Shiu Tim Secondary School Dance Club to perform Chinese fan dance, leading guests into the Blossoms Utopia! In the coming year, AYP will continue to maintain close cooperation with different organisations and units to work hard for the development of young people! |
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[「踏步台灣!鄧慕蓮博士AYP金章級野外鍛鍊科遠足及單車課程」準備工作] |
獎勵計劃首次以混合模式進行野外鍛鍊科課程,將會帶領19位參加者於4月16-21日赴台北進行「踏步台灣!鄧慕蓮博士AYP金章級野外鍛鍊科遠足及單車課程」。AYP自十一月起,多次舉辦遠足及單車訓練,與參加者穿梭香港各區,協助參加者作好全面準備。由日營開始,到最近一次三日兩夜訓練行程,參加者已逐漸適應長距離路程訓練,為四月的台灣之旅打下結實根基。 |
This is the first time the Award Office organise Mixed Journey Mode course. AYP will lead 19 participants to Taipei on 16-21 April, to complete the “Gold Level Taiwan Adventurous Journey Training Course”, with the support from “Dr. Irene Tang AYP International Exchange Programme Fund”. Since November, AYP has organised multiple hiking and cycling training, assist participants in thorough preparation. From the day camp to the most recent three-day, two-night training itinerary, participants have gradually adapted to long-distance training, laying a solid foundation for the trip to Taiwan in April. |
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[康樂體育科週年研討會 -「單車運動資訊及野外急救」工作坊] |
於2月26日晚上,我們舉辦了康樂體育科週年研討會 -「單車運動資訊及野外急救」工作坊。我們很榮幸邀請到香港青年獎勵計劃康樂體育科科委員會副科主任及香港註冊物理治療師邱啟政先生及國際野外醫學協會野外急救講師威廉為我們今次研討會擔任講者。他們分別講解了單車安全意識和野外急救的要點,包括教授參加者進行不同伸展運動,及安排情境演練,模擬處理在戶外發生意外的狀況。相信今次工作坊,能大大提升參加者的單車運動安全意識及野外急救知識。 |
On 26 February, AYP organised Physical Recreation Section Annual Seminar - "Cycling Information and Wilderness First Aid Workshop”. We were honoured to have Mr. Yau Kai Ching, the Vice-convenver of the Hong Kong Award for Young People Physical Recreation Section Panel and registered physiotherapist in Hong Kong, and Mr. William, the Wilderness Medical Associates International's Instructor, as our speakers for the seminar. Mr. Yau shared bicycle safety awareness, and led participants to experience various stretching exercises, while Mr. William explained wilderness first aid concepts through case studies about handling of common wilderness accident situations. We believe the seminar has significantly enhanced the participants' cycling safety awareness and wilderness first aid knowledge. |
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©香港青年獎勵計劃 © The Hong Kong Award for Young People. All rights reserved. |