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由香港賽馬會慈善信託基金捐助,AYP主辦的划越無限挑戰日於9月13日順利舉行!AYP邀請到西貢民政事務助理專員林苡晴女士以及航海學校校長陳道沛先生到 HKAYP 賽馬會野外鍛鍊中心,為將近150位航海學校學生打氣。
Funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust and organised by AYP, Row for Future Challenge Day was held successfully on 13 September. We were delighted to invite Ms. Lam I Ching, Assistant District Officer (Sai Kung), Mr. Chan To Pui, Principal of the Hong Kong Sea School to our HKAYP Jockey Club Expeditions Centre to cheer for nearly 150 students from the Hong Kong Sea School.
Challenges include kayak orienteering, SUP catapult and board rowing relay. All participants played hard, worked up a sweat and learned the importance of teamwork. They also received finisher medals and gifts after the race. What a fruitful sunny day!
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