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In the first year of “More than Imagination”, AYP accompanied young people in their growth, gradually outlined the contours of their dreams. As we enter the second year, AYP will lead young people towards the world, showcasing to everyone our courage to pursue our dreams.
The new theme not only changes the main color scheme to light green and pink, but also records the places we have been to and will visit, such as Croatia and Yunnan. It includes a variety of diverse and challenging activities, from mountain climbing to sea exploration. Young people who see this poster, join us to show the world your dreams!
[賽馬會划越無限計劃 - 室內賽艇導師培訓班]
  • 活動詳情︰
  • 課程日期:10/8(六)、17/8(六)、24/8(六)
  • 課程時間:0930-1630
  • 預計考試日期:9月7日(六)(視乎中國香港賽艇總會安排)
  • 上堂地點:西貢香港青年獎勵計劃賽馬會野外鍛鍊中心
  • 對象:18-29歲;有興趣認識或於運動行業發展(無需賽艇經驗)
  • 名額:16
  • 費用:全免
  • 有興趣的朋友請按以下按鈕報名!我們稍後會聯絡入選者。
    如有任何查詢,可於辦公時間09:00 - 17:00 以Whatsapp聯絡黃小姐(5309 4475)
立即報名!Register Now!
We are going to launch an Indoor Rowing Instructor Course! The 3-day course can help you to learn and consolidate advanced Indoor Rowing skills. After mastering the skills, you can get a certificate and become an Indoor Rowing Instructor!
  • Activity details:
  • Date: 10/8 (Sat) ; 17/8 (Sat) ; 24/8 (Sat)
  • Time: 0930-1630
  • Expected Examination Date: 7/9 (Sat) (Subject to the arrangements of the Hong Kong China Rowing Association)
  • Location: Sai Kung HKAYP Jockey Club Expeditions Centre
  • Target: 18-29 years old; interested in getting to know or developing in the sports industry (no rowing experience required)
  • Quota: 16
  • Cost: Free of charge
  • If you are interested, don’t hesitate, please click the button above and join us now! We will contact potential participants after enrolment. If you have any questions, please feel free to Whatsapp Ms. Wong (5309 4475)
On 3 July, AYP led the students from St. Catharine’s School for Girls to participate in the Shenzhen Cultural Exchange Programme 2024, which was funded by the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau. In the morning, we took the high-speed train to the Gankeng Hakka Small Town. The students were divided into groups to participate in various art workshops and travel around the Small Town, where they had the opportunity to experience traditional Chinese culture and the joy of handicrafts.
In the afternoon, we visited Shenzhen Hong Kong Pui Kiu College Longhua Xinyi School, engaging in cultural exchange through different group activities with the local students. The students from Shenzhen Pui Kiu also gave the Hong Kong students a tour of their campus to experience the mainland campus life. Everyone is getting along so well and having a great time! We hope that the activities can deepen the Hong Kong students’ understanding of the mainland.
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No. 301 - 309, 3/F, Lai Kwai House, Lai Kok Estate, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon
電話 Tel: +852 2157 8610
電郵 Email: award@ayp.org.hk

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