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The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Foundation has always been providing participants different types of Adventurous Journey activities, to encourage young people to achieve new breakthroughs and attempts. Supported by the ‘Dr. Irene Tang AYP International Exchange Programme Fund’, organised by AYP, “Gold Level Taiwan Adventurous Journey Training Course” is now open to register! After completing hiking and cycling training in Hong Kong, participants will go to Taiwan in April 2025, to explore the unique cycling routes and coastal landscapes along Taiwan's northern coast at a speed of 20 km/h, and hike up Yangmingshan to experience the geological features, learning to care for the natural ecology while challenging themselves. If you are interested, please visit the website above for more details.
由鄧慕蓮博士AYP國際交流活動基金贊助,AYP主辦的金章級團體生活科「歷遊雲南」交流團於8月17日圓滿結束!參加者透過一連串考察及體驗回顧,多方面了解雲南的歷史和文化。在6日5夜的交流團裡,參加者先後探訪少數民族 - 白族和納西族,體驗當地文化,亦到訪東西寺塔、玉龍雪山、雲南白藥有限公司等地方實地考察,加深對雲南企業和當地傳統文化的認識。多段畢生難忘的經歷令參加者們不斷進步,變得更成熟和主動。
Funded by the Dr. Irene Tang AYP International Exchange Fund, organised by AYP, “Dr. Irene Tang AYP Yunnan Residential Project Programme 2024” was held successfully on 17 August! Through a series of exploration and reflection, participants gained a comprehensive understanding of the history and culture of Yunnan. During the 6-Day-5-Night Residential Project Programme, participants visited two Ethnic Minority living place, the Bai and the Naxi, to experience their culture; also, they visited the Eastern and Western Pagodas, Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, and Yunnan Baiyao Group Co., Ltd. etc., to have a deeper understanding of the local tradition and business. Multiple unforgettable experiences have allowed participants to continually improve, becoming more mature and proactive.
[Project ONE to Infinity 2023-24 圓滿結束]
由100 Women In Finance贊助,為期8個月的Project ONE to Infinity 職涯探索活動在8月3日至4日以兩日一夜訓練營劃上完美句號。參加者除了在賽馬會愛丁堡公爵訓練營參與各種歷奇挑戰活動,更參與了團隊活動6 Bricks工作坊和有關永續發展目標的遊戲!閉幕禮中,我們邀請到100 Women In Finance代表王茵媚女士、獎勵計劃理事會委員及統籌委員會主席楊燕芝女士,JP、獎勵計劃理事會委員葉芷菱女士及陳嘉慧女士,以及獎勵計劃總幹事陳潔儀女士到現場支持一班參加者,共同見證他們的學習成果。聽到他們學習到很多實用職場技能,更創造了很多難忘及精彩的回憶!希望他們可以繼續抱持勇於嘗試和探索的精神,發掘未來的無限可能,並且把握機會實現理想!
Sponsored by 100 Women In Finance, the 8-month career exploration programme - Project ONE to Infinity concluded perfectly with a two-day, one-night training camp held from August 3 to 4. Participants not only challenged the exciting adventure programmes in the Jockey Club Duke of Edinburgh Training Camp, but also joined a team-building workshop and a Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) game. We were glad to invite Ms. Lena Wong, the representatives of 100 Women in Finance, Ms. Jennifer Yeung Yin Chi, JP, Award Council Member and the Chairman of the Coordinating Committee, Ms. Cherry Ip Zhi Ling and Ms. Moraine Chan Ka Wai, Award Council Members, and Ms. Joyce Chan Kit Yee, CEO of AYP, to attend the closing ceremony and show support to the participants. They witnessed their learning achievements as well. It was exciting to hear that they learned lots of practical career skills and created unforgettable memories with other participants! Hope that they will keep the spirit of challenging themselves, hence, explore infinite possibility of the future!
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