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香港青年獎勵計劃金章頒獎典禮2023於12月12日假香港禮賓府圓滿舉行,是次頒獎典禮邀請到行政長官李家超先生,大紫荊勳賢,SBS, PDSM, PMSM擔任主禮嘉賓,到場嘉許35位金章得獎者和7位十年長期服務義工。AYP亦感謝獎勵計劃理事會主席郭永亮先生,JP、獎勵計劃理事會副主席彭穎生先生,MH以及一眾理事會委員和嘉賓到場為得獎者的努力作見證!



The Gold Award Presentation 2023 was successfully held at Government House on 12 December. We were honoured to have The Honourable John Lee Ka Chiu, GBM, SBS, PDSM, PMSM, Chief Executive of the HKSAR, to be our Guest of Honour and presented certificates to 35 Gold Award Recipients and 7 Ten Years Long Service Volunteers! We appreciated Mr. Andy Kwok Wing Leung, JP, Chairman of Award Council, Mr. Victor Pang Wing Seng, MH, Vice-Chairman of Award Council, and Award Council Members for witnessing the wonderful moments of our awardees.

We showcased our commitment to environmental protection during the award-sharing section by presenting a Christmas tree assembled plastic bottles collected from “GREEN@COMMUNITY”. This served as a meaningful way to promote the message of environmental protection and bring a festive atmosphere to the event attendees. Two Gold Award Recipients shared their personal experiences, inspiring other recipients to apply the knowledge and skills gained from their Gold Award journeys, and together, continue to uphold the spirit and beliefs of AYP.



[BronzeGain 銅章級活動即將圓滿結束]


繼完成技能科以及野外鍛鍊科,一眾BronzeGain參加者於本月亦已順利完成服務科。數周之間,參加者無懼嚴寒,為社區送上溫暖。活動包括參與AYP及香港小童群益會賽馬會長沙灣青少年綜合服務中心合辦的「聖誕WeWa」兒童義工服務,陪同小朋友製作聖誕裝飾,感受節日氣氛;又協助WWF舉行Hong Kong Walk for Nature慈善步行籌款活動,於各崗位發揮所長;更到水口灣沙泥灘進行淨灘行動,為保護環境出一分力。




After completed the Skills Section and Adventurous Journey Section, BronzeGain participants have finally finished Service Section. Despite the cold weather, participants give out warmth to the community within the past couple weeks, including participating in the “Christmas WeWa” Children’s Voluntary Service organised by AYP and the BGCACSW, made Christmas decorations with the children and enjoyed the festival together; assist the “WWF-Hong Kong Walk for Nature” Charity Walkathon, ensured the activity can go smoothly; also did a beach cleanup at Shui Hau Wan Mudflat, protect the ocean from pollution.


AYP is graceful for receiving supports from every organisation we have cooperated with, and witnessing the BronzeGain participants’ contribution to the community. In the upcoming January, participants will utilise the orienteering knowledge and skills learned from the Physical Recreation Section in Rogaine, challenging themselves and fulfil the requirement of BronzaGain. AYP had also prepared the “Bronze Award Presentation”, giving recognition to participants’ efforts, as a wonderful finale to their BronzeGain journey.

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No. 301 - 309, 3/F, Lai Kwai House, Lai Kok Estate, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon
電話 Tel: +852 2157 8610
電郵 Email: award@ayp.org.hk

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