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AYP「圖出山野 中銀人壽定向慈善賽2024」順利舉行


AYP「圖出山野 中銀人壽定向慈善賽2024」於1月28日(星期日)假林村許願廣場順利舉行。大會邀請到民政及青年事務局副局長梁宏正先生,BBS, JP、香港青年獎勵計劃理事會主席郭永亮先生,JP、副主席彭穎生先生,MH以及中銀人壽執行總裁鄧子平先生,與AYP理事會成員和一眾嘉賓參與起步禮。眾嘉賓無懼寒風細雨,為林村麒麟進行簪花掛紅儀式,並於鳴槍起步儀式中為參加者打氣。








AYP BOC Life Rogaine Charity Race 2024 was successfully held at Lam Tsuen Well-wishing Square on 28 January (Sunday). Despite the weather condition, Mr. Clarence Leung Wang Ching, BBS, JP, Under Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs, Mr. Andy Kwok Wing Leung, JP, Chairman of Award Council, Mr. Victor Pang Wing Seng, MH, Vice-Chairman of Award Council, and Mr. Wilson Tang Chee Ping, Chief Executive of BOC Group Life Assurance Company Limited, with Award Council Members and other guests participated in Lam Tsuen Unicorn Dance to pray for participants’ safety and performed starting pistol to encourage our participants!


With the help from different supporting organisation, this year's charity race has attracted over 800 participants, with approximately 60% being young people under the age of 30. We aimed to encourage all participants, especially the youth, to apply the problem-solving skills and never-give-up spirit they learnt from the competition to their daily lives, developing a positive view of life.


In the after-race carnival, AYP arranged over 20 booths and workshops; 11 performance groups, including our event ambassador, Beanies and different youth groups; and various meals available for the participants to replenish their energy, such as Lam Tsuen Rice Cake.


Witnessing the joyful expressions of the winners and the satisfaction of the carnival participants, we would like to congratulate all the winners again. We look forward to meeting everyone next year.




感謝大家對中電智FUN營的愛戴! 3月10日、17日及31日的下午4:15至晚上8:45,AYP將於林村賽馬會愛丁堡公爵訓練營舉行三場中電智FUN營。參觀「CLP E- Playground」的過程中,您可以在林村美景包圍下了解環保、工程、以及多種能源知識,最後更可以參與不同營地活動!



立即報名!Register Now!

Thank you for your love and support for the CLP Smart Evening Camp! We will be holding three sessions of the CLP Smart Evening Camp on 10, 17 & 31 March from 4:15 PM to 8:45 PM. The main activity is a visit to the “CLP E-Playground”, where you can learn about environmental protection, engineering, and various types of energy knowledge. Surrounded by the beautiful scenery of nearby Lam Tsuen Village, you can also participate in different camp activities!


Should you’re interested, click the link above to sign up now! If you have any questions, please call 2627-2000. We look forward to your participation in the Smart Evening Camp!

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No. 301 - 309, 3/F, Lai Kwai House, Lai Kok Estate, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon
電話 Tel: +852 2157 8610
電郵 Email: award@ayp.org.hk

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