[金章頒獎典禮2024順利舉行] |
香港青年獎勵計劃金章頒獎典禮2024於12月9日假香港會議展覽中心順利舉行。AYP很榮幸邀請到行政長官李家超先生,大紫荊勳賢,SBS, PDSM, PMSM擔任主禮嘉賓,到場嘉許各位金章得獎者以及服務AYP長達十年的嘉許狀得獎者!我們亦非常感謝警務處處長暨獎勵計劃名譽顧問蕭澤頤先生,PDSM, PMSM、民政及青年事務局副局長梁宏正先生,BBS, JP、獎勵計劃理事會主席郭永亮先生,JP、獎勵計劃理事會副主席彭穎生先生,MH以及一眾理事會成員和嘉賓到場一同分享喜悅。 今年金章得獎人數達75位,創下十年來新高。我們亦感謝嘉許狀得獎者一直以來為獎勵計劃付出,包括獎勵計劃理事會主席郭永亮先生,JP,也是今年其中一位嘉許狀得獎者!兩位金章得獎者分享了他們在中學生涯獲取金章的故事,鼓勵其他得獎者只要有目標,一定可以找到屬於自己的生活方式、活出自己想要的人生。 為了記錄難忘時刻,會場設有多個AYP特色佈置,供得獎者和來賓拍照留念。如欲查看更多頒獎典禮花絮,可瀏覽相冊。[相冊連結按此] |
The Gold Award Presentation 2024 was successfully held at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 9 December. We were honoured to have The Honourable John Lee Ka Chiu, GBM, SBS, PDSM, PMSM, Chief Executive of the HKSAR, to be our Guest of Honour and recognise the diligence of Gold Award recipients and 10 years‘ Long Service Volunteers! We appreciated Mr. SIU Chak Yee, PDSM, PMSM, Comissioner of Police and Honorary Adviser of AYP, Mr. Clarence Leung Wang Ching, BBS, JP, Under Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs, Mr. Andy Kwok Wing Leung, JP, Chairman of Award Council, Mr. Victor Pang Wing Seng, MH, Vice-Chairman of Award Council, and Award Council Members for witnessing the wonderful moments of our awardees. This year, we had 75 Gold Award recipients, setting a new record in a decade! We are grateful for the support from 10 years‘ Long Service Volunteers, who included Mr. Andy Kwok Wing Leung, JP, Chairman of Award Council! 2 Gold Award recipients shared their stories of earning the Gold Award during their secondary school years, encouraging other recipients to find their own way of life and live the life they want! To capture unforgettable moments, the venue is equipped with multiple AYP-themed decorations for recipients and guests to take photos. For more highlights from the award ceremony, please browse the album through the link. [Link here] |
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[「青歷奇境」大專生4日3夜歷奇訓練營] |
AYP 於12月16至19日舉行了青年歷奇訓練活動資助計劃「青歷奇境」大專生4日3夜歷奇訓練營,招募各個院校的大專生在聖誕氛圍下參與活動。活動内容非常豐富,包括低結構歷奇、高空繩網挑戰、原野烹飪、山野無痕及義工服務鍛錬等,令參加者獲益良多。他們透過長時間相處,由互不相識變成可以互訴心事和感受的朋友。 教練和參加者在過程中運用創意,為活動加入聖誕節元素,增添節慶氣氛。活動要求參加者在訓練營當中進行規劃,思考原野烹飪需要購買的食材,並於活動總結及回顧帶領團體活動,將營期所學的要點呈現出來! |
Under the “Funding Scheme for Youth Adventure Training Activities", the “More Than Adventure” programme successfully completed a 4 day, 3 night training camp from 16-19 December, 2024 that recruited college students from various institutions. The camp was filled with a festive Christmas atmosphere and the activities were incredibly diverse, including Low Event Adventure Activities, High Rope Course Challenges, Wilderness Cooking, a Leave No Trace Workshop, and Volunteer Service Training, all of which greatly benefited the participants. Through extended interactions, participants transformed from strangers into friends who could share their thoughts and feelings. Throughout the programme, coaches and participants used their creativity to incorporate Christmas elements, adding a delightful touch to the activities. This programme required participants to engage in planning, considering the ingredients needed for wilderness cooking, and leading group activities during the programme summary and reflection, where they presented the key points learned during the camp! |
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©香港青年獎勵計劃 © The Hong Kong Award for Young People. All rights reserved. |