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AYP第102屆銀章頒獎典禮於2024年4月29日假佛教何南金中學圓滿舉行。是次頒獎典禮邀請到政務司司長陳國基先生,GBS, IDSM, JP 作主禮嘉賓,並與獎勵計劃理事會主席郭永亮先生,JP、獎勵計劃理事會副主席彭穎生先生,MH,及一眾在場嘉賓,共同見證得獎者的重要時刻,肯定他們每一位的努力和成就。




The 102nd Silver Award Presentation was successfully held on 29 April at Buddhist Ho Nam Kam College. We were honoured to have the Guest of Honour, The Hon. Mr. Chan Kwok Ki, GBS, IDSM, JP, Chief Secretary for Administration, to officiate our Presentation. Mr. Andy Kwok Wing Leung, JP, Chairman of Award Council, Mr. Victor Pang Wing Seng, MH, Vice-Chairman of Award Council, Award Council Members and guests also joined to witness the meaningful moments of our awardees.


This year, we witnessed the largest number of awardees in the past seven years. There were 383 Silver Award Recipients, and 25 and 14 volunteers received the Certificates of Appreciation for 3 and 7 years of service respectively. During the ceremony, Ms. Aimee Chan Sze Long, Award Council Member and Silver Award Holder, along with three Silver Award Recipients, shared their Silver Award journeys. In addition, they encouraged the Award Recipients to step out of their comfort zones bravely.




承蒙鄧慕蓮博士AYP國際交流活動基金資助、郭興坤陳麗華慈善基金有限公司、Eikowada、東保慈善基金有限公司及 INNOTIER贊助,歷時11天的「克羅地亞金章級野外鍛鍊科挑戰之旅」於4月4日順利完結。是次旅程是AYP事隔4年再次遠赴海外進行野外鍛鍊科評核旅程,22名金章級參加者於3月25日出發前往克羅地亞。首先,他們到訪了十六湖國家公園和南部城市扎達爾,適應當地的郊區環境並準備好裝備和糧食,為評核旅程做好準備;之後再從茨雷斯島展開四日三夜的評核旅程,即使途中經歷有如十號風球的烈風和崎嶇碎石路,仍然成功克服挑戰,完成旅程。




With the support from Dr. Irene Tang AYP International Exchange Programme Fund, Kwok Hing Kwan Chan Lai Wah Charitable Foundation Limited, Eikowada, Tunbow Charity Foundation Limited and INNOTIER, the Gold Level Croatia Adventurous Journey Training Course was held successfully on 4 April. It has been four years since we held an oversea Adventurous Journey Training Course. On 25 March, 22 Gold Level participants departed for Croatia. Firstly, they visited the Plitvice Lakes National Park and Zadar, acclimating to the weather of Croatia’s countryside and preparing for the assessment. Then, they embarked on a four-day, three-night assessment from the island of Cres. Despite facing challenges such as strong winds and rugged gravel roads, they overcame these obstacles and completed the journey successfully.


Croatia, located in southeastern Europe, boasts diverse topography and natural landscapes, making it an ideal destination for hiking trips. Through this journey, participants gained insights into how this Belt and Road Initiative country attracts Chinese tourists and investments in the tourism industry. They also explored the economic cooperation between China and Croatia, deepening their understanding of the local society and culture.








Funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the Graduation Ceremony and Community Day of the Jockey Club Diversity Mentoring Youth Project and the Jockey Club “Camily” Project was successfully held on 28 April 2024 (Sunday). We were honoured to have The Hon Kenneth Leung Yuk Wai, JP, Member of the Legislative Council Cum Vice-Chairman of the Youth Development Commission, Mr. Kwok Wing Leung, JP, Chairman of Award Council, Mr. Pang Wing Seng, MH, Vice Chairman of Award Council, Mr. Bruce Au, Deputy Executive Manager, Charities, The Hong Kong Jockey Club, Ms. May Fung Man Yu, District Social Welfare Officer (Tai Po/North District), Mr. Alex Ho Cheung Ming, Liaison Officer of Tai Po District Office, and other guests to attend the graduation ceremony and witnessing the fruitful results of those two projects.


In addition to the graduation ceremony, the event included a community day to recognise and encourage programme participants, and increase public engagement. We have invited different organisations and groups to set up various creative workshops and game booths, such as coffee tasting, plant printing, and adventurous challenges. It has been a joyous gathering, bringing the community together and seeing everyone actively and happily participating.

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No. 301 - 309, 3/F, Lai Kwai House, Lai Kok Estate, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon
電話 Tel: +852 2157 8610
電郵 Email: award@ayp.org.hk

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