[AYP祝大家蛇年身壯力健、萬事亨通!] |
下周三就會踏入蛇年,AYP特別設計了蛇年吉祥物「蛇仔霞」,與青鳥陪伴大家同賀新歲。大家可以按下方連結下載最新 WhatsApp 貼圖,和朋友家人一同分享喜悅!AYP再次恭祝大家新年快樂! |
Stepping into the Year of the Snake, AYP has specially designed a mascot, Snake Snake, accompanied by Green Bird, to celebrate the New Year with everyone. You can click the link above to download latest WhatsApp stickers and share the joy with friends and family! AYP once again wishes everyone a Happy New Year! |
[恭喜大家完成銅章!] |
AYP一直支持有特殊學習需要的青年人透過參與獎勵計劃挑戰自我,而經過接近一年的努力,有25位青年人完成銅章。他們分別來自4間執行處支部,包括明愛樂進學校、匡智張玉瓊晨輝學校、香港紅十字會雅麗珊郡主學校及樂智協會。一月十日,一眾得獎者來到獎勵計劃總辦事處出席銅章頒獎典禮,各學校和機構的代表、老師、職員、野外鍛鍊科導師,以及得獎者家長都有來到現場支持一眾得獎者。 典禮上,獎勵計劃總幹事陳潔儀女士恭喜各位得獎者,希望他們可以保持好奇心去探索並作出更多嘗試,並鼓勵他們繼續努力完成往後的旅程。AYP會一直陪伴以及支持大家,期望每位青年人能繼續挑戰自我,再創高峰! |
AYP has always supported young people with special needs in challenging themselves by participating in the Award Scheme. After almost a year of hard work, we are thrilled to announce that 25 participants have successfully completed the Bronze Award! They came from 4 User Units: Caritas Lok Jun School, Hong Chi Winifred Mary Cheung Morninghope School, Hong Kong Red Cross Princess Alexandra School and Lok Chi Association. The Bronze recipients attended the Bronze Award Presentation Ceremony at AYP Headquarters on 10 January. It was delightful that representatives from the schools and association, teachers and staff, Adventurous Journey instructors, and parents all came together to support the Award recipients! Our Chief Executive Officer, Ms. Joyce Chan, shared her warm congratulations and encouraged everyone to keep exploring and challenging themselves. We cannot wait to see them accomplishing the next level! AYP is always here to support young people, and we look forward to witnessing them challenge themselves and scale new heights! |
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[專題節目《探古尋源》- 香港青年獎勵計劃] |
無綫新聞專題節目《探古尋源》介紹AYP由1956至今的歷史,令更多人認識AYP一直以來的變化和進步,見證AYP在香港的成長。是次節目除了介紹獎勵計劃的理念,還包含很多珍貴的歷史片段。如有興趣認識AYP的歷史,可按下方連結觀看。 |
TVB News programme "Historical Hong Kong" introduced the history of AYP from 1956, allowing more people to recognise the changes and progress AYP has made, witnessing our growth in Hong Kong. This episode not only introduced the vision of the Award Scheme but also contained many precious historical segments. If you are interested in the history of AYP, please click the link above to watch the programme. |
聯絡我們 Contact Us 香港九龍長沙灣麗閣邨麗葵樓三樓301-309號 No. 301 - 309, 3/F, Lai Kwai House, Lai Kok Estate, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon 電話 Tel: +852 2157 8610 電郵 Email: award@ayp.org.hk 取消訂閱 Unsubscribe |
©香港青年獎勵計劃 © The Hong Kong Award for Young People. All rights reserved. |